Dear user of Folkets Hus
Folkets Hus is for all people, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, culture, religious beliefs, sexual orientation or previous activity. This means, that all users of the house have the same right to being in all parts of the house, as long as they follow the rules of the house.
Folkets Hus has as a purpose to be a platform for activism. The house shall be able to provide facilities to different groups, and through that work as a meeting space where ideas are created, developed and realised.
Activities in the house are non-commercial, which means profit generating activities only can take place if the profit goes into the house or to a purpose that’s approved by the activists of the house.
In Folkets Hus we strive to be independent of external financing. This means that we receive support and donations only to the extent that the independence of the house is preserved. Therefore, activists or other users of the house are not under obligation to cooperate with the municipality or other financers
In Folkets Hus we attempt to avoid threatening or confrontative behaviour that can make other users of the house unsafe. Therefore Folkets Hus is a place where you are free from surveillance, and all forms of registering of users in the house is forbidden.
Folkets Hus wishes to contain all the diversity of Nørrebro. This requires that we show trust and take care of one another – despite the fact that we are different and can disagree. If house rules are broken or there are other conflicts, if possible we try to solve the conflict through dialogue rather than punishment. If it is needed, we try to have activists who are not involved in the conflict help mediate and figure out a solution.
House Rules
No Violence
No Racism
No Sexism
No Discrimination
No Hard Drugs
The café and the sports room have some extra rules and guidelines.
Besides these rules, the house has long been guided by its own set of commandments.
Folkets house is whatever you give – 11 commandments:
1. Respect others even if they are different from you. Strengthen the diversity
2. Show the respect to others that you want to meet yourself.
3. Folkets Hus is carried by volunteer activists and no one may profit economically from the houses activities
4. Be nice to the house’s activists. Give a hand and participate in the house’s activity.
5. Smoke without bothering others.
6. Don’t take drugs in the house – it might kill you.
7. No uniforms or back patches.
8. Kiss with the ones you want to, as long as they want to kiss with you.
9. Take conflicts in the bud and try to build trusting relations.
10. No weapons, violence or surveillance.
11. Use the house and enjoy your coffee.